Monique's counsellig and Writing

Dangerous Open Secrets is now available here in PDF,Epub and also on Amazon as MOBI see details an find buy on Amazon button in Author news.

What I do
Having lived more than 65 years of an intersting and varied life I have acquired several different abilities. First and foremost I have been technically minded, which led to an early interest in electrics and electronics. At school aready I was experiementing with amplifiers and lighting. Even before finishing school a group of friends and I lit Hamburg's first Pop- and Bluesfestival in the Ernst-Merck-Halle with some borrowed strobes and lights and some equipment I built.
That experience later led to me being involved in producing equipment for touring bands and me becoming one of the founding partners and manager of Amptown Cases GmbH in 1978.
Having left the company in a dispute in 1983 I managed the technical side of the Sommertheater in the Kampnagelfabrik in 1984 and the tent provided by the Alte Oper in Grüneburgpark, Frankfurt, for the Theater der Welt in 1985, where I also designed a new lighting for the opening act: "Sein Blut komme über uns" directed by Wili Praml.
Later I began installing discotheques and did some lighting for "La double inconstance" at the Staatstheater Oldenburg, but left the Federal Republic of Germany in 1986, being completely disgusted and disappointed by the administration's handling of transgender individuals.

Environmental counselling
Living in the English countryside awakened my interest in nature and the environment. I began looking into old fashioned energy systems like indirect cylinders, back boilers and so on as well as photovoltaics and wind turbines of the vertical axis type. When I moved to Brittany, France, in 2000 I concentrated my efforts in that direction. I try to find you solutions adapted to your budget, that will help you save energy and cost as well as make you more independent. If that interests you please go to that topic in the menu.
Unfortunately i am struggling with Amazon again to get the typesetting right, as the conversion from my .odt file to .doc or .docx as usual buggers all my formats, I may therefore get myself a program to produce ebub files and sell my ebooks directly in future through this site. It would be very helpful if you'd let me know what format you'd prefer, I might even be able to convert epub to mobi for those who prefer that. I am looking forward to your feedback, a big thank you here in advance.
This concerns most of all my new book: Dangerous Open Secrets, the lauch of which will be delayed. See Author news for more.
Monique xx